Fluoride treatment is a simple yet powerful tool in maintaining your dental health. Fluoride, a mineral naturally found in water and many foods, plays a crucial role in keeping your teeth strong and resilient. While you already get some fluoride from your diet and toothpaste, professional fluoride treatments can provide additional protection against cavities and tooth decay.

Throughout the day, your teeth are constantly exposed to acids from bacteria and sugars, which can demineralize and weaken your enamel. Fluoride helps by remineralizing the enamel, making it more resistant to these attacks. This process not only prevents cavities but also helps reverse early signs of tooth decay. For children, fluoride is especially important as it helps in the proper development of their teeth, ensuring they grow strong and healthy.

During your regular dental checkups, our dentists and team may recommend a professional fluoride treatment. This is particularly beneficial if your teeth are prone to decay or if you are not getting enough fluoride from other sources. Professional fluoride treatments come in various forms, including gels, varnishes and foams, each designed to provide a concentrated dose of fluoride directly to your teeth.

Our goal is to help you maintain a healthy smile for life. Fluoride treatments are just one part of a comprehensive preventive dental care plan. By strengthening your enamel and preventing decay, fluoride helps ensure that your teeth remain strong and healthy. If you have any questions about fluoride treatment in College Park, Maryland, and to schedule your appointment with Dr. Andrew Donald or Dr. Steven Rattner, we encourage you to contact AD Dentistry. Our team is eager to help you achieve and maintain a beautiful, healthy smile!